Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Green Smoothie with Watercress

Directly from our website, the Green Smoothie with Watercress is super easy, super quick, super food. Here's a link to the recipe: http://bwqualitygrowers.com/BW_Recipes/WatercressRecipes.aspx

I made this smoothie for myself, this morning, after my workout.

Here, all the ingredients are ready to go. That's my flaxseed in the jar. I used an orange because I am all out of orange juice. The orange works great!

All the ingredients, except the ice, go into the blender.

After blending a few pulses, add ice.

The smoothie is the most beautiful green.

Get your favorite glass, insert a straw and enjoy!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Watercress Martini

Possibly the best drink ever invented. Ok. The BEST drink ever invented.
I visited a delightful spot in Macon, Georgia recently called Dovetail, and asked
the very talented "beverage artist" (that's what I called him anyway) to make me
a Watercress Martini. He did and it was so remarkably delicious I hope you'll
consider trying one sometime. We found the recipe for the drink here: http://www.gazregan.com/2012/07/101-best-new-cocktails/101-best-new-cocktails-2012-watercress-elderflower-martini-robert-merjavy-chester-uk/

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wicker flats

Did you know? In the Victorian Era watercress was hugely popular. Mostly due to the fact that the railway was created and enabled farmers to ship tons of watercress. The farmers would pack the watercress in wicker flats and the street vendors would buy it, then sell it in bunches to the public.

photo courtesy of watercress.co.uk

Monday, February 16, 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Watercress My Heart

I wanted to do something special for this Valentine's Day, so I decided to try enrobing watercress in chocolate. Is it good? Oh my. YES.

I used dark (60%) melting chocolate, just microwaved it until smooth, then began dipping.

I dipped some strawberries to go with the watercress.

Watercress is delicious dipped in chocolate and just the thing for your Valentine.

You can make a little...

Or A LOT! Happy Valentine's Day from B&W Watercress!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Won't you be mine, watercress?

Wouldn't it be great to give the gift of good health this Valentine's Day? Keep posted. We have a very special idea that will help you do just that, and show your special someone how much you care.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why You Should Eat Watercress

Watercress has been proven (by scientists) to be one of nature's most nutritious and medicinally healing vegetables. It has more calcium than milk!

Have a look for yourself:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Super Food Anytime

Today we sauteed some watercress and arugula for a delicious brunch.
Here's the recipe:

One bunch B&W watercress
One bunch B&W arugula
half a lemon
splash of olive oil
salt and pepper as desired

Take a saucepan and splash in a little olive oil, warm on medium heat.
Add B&W Watercress and Arugula
as the super leaves warm, squeeze lemon over and stir occasionally.
Add garlic, minced, to pan. Stir.

Add eggs!

Stir until eggs are cooked to your liking. I prefer over easy.

Then, enjoy! Quick and easy, anytime super food.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Did you know? Monday history lesson.

Did you know that watercress is the oldest green vegetable known to man? It can be found as far back as the ancient Persians, Greeks, and Romans. There are ancient writings that include the use of watercress in improving growth in children. Also, you can find in these writings how Greek and Persian soldiers were advised to eat more watercress! An old Greek proverb: "Eat Cress and learn more wit."

Friday, February 6, 2015

Play With Your Food

                      While searching the kitchen, found my old turkey cutting board and decided to play 

                      with my food. I discovered two things: One: Chickens LOVE watercress, too! 

                      Two: Eat away from chickens because they will jump up to steal watercress.

Who can blame them?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Watercress, Grapefruit, and Blueberry Salad

Truly a refreshing salad idea. Here's what you'll need to assemble this superfood treat super fast:

1 bunch of B&W Quality Growers watercress

Pink grapefruit segments from one grapefruit

2 small tomatoes, cut into fourths

A handful of blueberries

Almonds and cashews to your taste

Salad dressing of choice, I used a homemade combination of stadium mustard, rice wine vinegar, olive oil, garlic powder, and onion powder. Then shake to serve.

Assemble above ingredients and ENJOY!